Thou Shalt Love God Or Else Doom!
THOU SHALT LOVE GOOD OR ELSE DOOM BY DAVID ARTHUR WALTERS Thou shalt love YHWH or else! YHWH's contract with his Bride Israel specified that the Chosen People should love YHWH above all, or else. Or else what? or else all hell shall eventually break loose, and everything good shall be lost. That is why the first commandment enjoins us to bind ourselves to the Tribal God Before All Other Tribal Gods, eventually converted into the One and Only Universal God. If we do not love the Absolute Universal God, Who, as Supreme Lord, is the Supreme Socialist Dictator, we shall be ripped into shreds vainly loving the distinctive particulars of an infatuated existence. Religion is the organized worship of Power and politics is the relative distribution of Power. Thus we find the Leading Principle of ancient religious politics expressed in the form of a Contract with YHWH posing as "the Lord." He covenants that, in consideration for being universally loved, the lovers will have Holy L