
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Devil's Manifesto

  THE DEVIL'S MANIFESTO BY DAVID ARTHUR WALTERS Sacred history is seemingly impertinent ever since God was assassinated by free thinkers, yet in fact it remains germane. The heroic escapades of David, for example, which included deceit, robbery, mayhem and the murder of the men, women and children of entire villages, in the name of the terrifying tribal deity of the so-called   hibirus  (‘outlaws’), are celebrated to this very day with terrible consequences. Yea, despite the preaching of peace and love, war and hatred continues apace under the bloody rubric of the Terrorist Almighty. Although we have chosen the Chosen Ones as our historical example, the Jews certainly are not to blame for human nature simply because they happened to inscribe one of the earliest inspiring records of its development, a process not as evolutionary as progressives presume given the penchant of conservatives to embrace regression to barbarism. Warmongers everywhere have relished the reading of...

Note on Death by Stoning

  NOTE ON DEATH BY STONING   BY   DAVID ARTHUR WALTERS    “If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, who will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them, then shall his father and mother lay hold of him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; and they shall say unto the elders of his city, this our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of the city shall stone him with stones, that he die; so shalt thou put to death evil away among you, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.”  Deuteronomy 21:18-21  The sacred Hebrew texts provide for lapidation or the stoning to death of anyone who disobeyed certain laws presumably handed down by YHWH to Moses, but it is debatable how often Jews observed the punitive prescription. We know of no instance, for example, where a ...

Letter to Ethics Commission

Students cannot remember remember the first commandment. February 16, 2013 Rhonda Victor Sibilia,  Community Outreach Coordinator Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics & Public Trust Subject: Who investigates the Miami Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust?   Ms. Sibilia:   Greetings! During my investigation of moral and criminal corruption in the City of Miami Beach, I encountered several references to the COE that might lead someone unfamiliar with its processes to believe that it is has failed to achieved its objectives in regards to public trust in Miami Beach government.   I believe the COE is hobbled by the county ordinances it is bound to observe, rendering it a somewhat useful but a rather ineffective tool for battling corruption. I am not completely satisficed with its triage services, whereby staff investigators go over information and refer it to other agencies such as the State Attorney Office if they believe a reference is warranted. That could...

We Do Not NEED Wall Street

WE DO NOT  NEED  WALL STREET BY DAVID ARTHUR WALTERS  The Federal Reserve Note refers to trust in God.  Neither would the Ten Commandments work unless faith is first placed in God. "IF WALL STREET FAILS SO WILL MAINSTREET" blared the headline at the outset of the Great Recession.  Rubbish. Stock markets for gambling on stocks after they are purchased by the original buyers may provide a useful function, but they are not essential to a working economy. Civilized countries have functioned well for many years without the likes of Wall Street.  Equity is not the only way to invest. Debt is another way. Equity does not have to be paid back, but debt does, and creditors are usually more conservative than equity investors, at least they were until debt shacked up with equity and went to the casino for a good time, thanks to the deregulating free marketeers. Well let them take the beating they preached and now duly deserve. That will n...

Mayoral Candidate Preaches the Tenth Commandment

  CANDIDATE DAN GELBER PLAYS THE ETHNIC CARD A Yeshiva lesson from on high UPDATE June 6, 2017 MIAMI HERALD FURTHER IMPLICATES MICHAEL GRIECO June 5, 2017 By David Arthur Walters PRESS INDEPENDENT Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house: neither shalt thou desire his wife, nor his servant, nor his ass, nor anything that is his . Exodus 20:17 Dan Gelber, candidate for the coveted position of mayor of the City of Miami Beach, after casting the first stone against his opponent, Michael Grieco, who in return called him “Dishonest Dan,” prompting Gelber to allege three more political sins besides the political prostitution he first alleged, has now, upon the occasion of Shavuot, resorted to a profession of Judaism to support his campaign. Shavuot, as a diminishing number of Jewish voters in the city well know, is an harvest festival of old during which Jews found occasion to discuss the Torah and the Ten Commandments therein, and perhaps to read the Book of Ruth, a charming narra...

On Christian Zionism

  Painting by Darwin Leon ON  CHRISTIAN ZIONISM BY DAVID ARTHUR WALTERS The merchants of these things, Which were made rich by her, Shall stand afar off For the fear of her torment,  Weeping and wailing, And saying, Alas, alas that great city, That was clothed in fine Linen, and purple, and scarlet, And decked with gold, And precious stones, and pearls!  For in one hour So great riches Is come to nought. And every shipmaster, And all the company in ships, And sailors, And as many as trade by sea, Stood afar off,  And cried when they saw the smoke  Of her burning,  Saying, What city is like unto this great city!   And they cast dust on their heads, And cried, weeping and wailing,  Saying, Alas, alas that great city, Wherein were made rich All that had ships  In the sea By reason of her costliness! For in one hour  Is she made desolate. Revelations    The evangelist in the White House believes that the United States Emp...