
A Pastor's Epistle

    Death on a Pale Horse by Benjamin West A Pastor’s Christmas Epistle Clarified A Christmas Epistle to David from his cousin Pastor John was received referring to disasters and the coronavirus pandemic. The Epistle, damaged in transit, seemed to imply that non-Christians are more prone to disasters than Christians. Wherefore I was moved to ask John for Clarification. Curiously, I have been intrigued by religious questions for my entire life although I have never met John, and none of my family that I know of were very religious, and perhaps that is the reason I ran away from home to Chicago to live on the streets a few days after my 13th birthday and never went back. DAVID It appears that you have doomed all non-Christians to disaster in your Christmas Epistle, Is not that judgment contrary to the Christian faith in Love? PASTOR JOHN I made it clear that I do not make judgment. I do not preach hell and brimstone. I do not assume because someone does not believe as I do they are doome

Muslim Intellectuals Please Join Us

  al-Kindi MUSLIM INTELLECTUALS PLEASE JOIN US BY DAVID ARTHUR WALTERS By the very nature of their critical endeavor independent intellectuals are often at each other's throats. Figuratively speaking, of course, for intellectuals prefer metaphors and virtual battles to mayhem and murder. I have on previous occasions called for an intellectual rebellion or jihad against the prejudices of brute ignorance. I was tempted to place my call under the motto, "Intellectuals of the World, Unite!" But nothing seemed more incongruous to me at the time than universal intellectual integration, since each independent intellect is disposed to be at odds with the others. However, on second thought there is due cause for unison in the mental field, the project and object of our enterprise; to wit, truth. Now we might question the nature of the truth; indeed, that is the good cause of our dissension; but I think we can agree on one thing: our project is the same although our methods slightl

The God is Great Refutation of God is Not Great

  Christ 9/11 by Darwin Leon GOD IS GREAT BY DAVID ARTHUR WALTERS Somehow Christopher Hitchens book  god is not Great—How Religion Poisons Everything  (sic) came into my possession. I am not interested in theism or atheism. I certainly would not buy nor would I peruse a book about God at this stage in my life, even if the pagan word were not capitalized to signify the one-god. Indeed, whenever I am browsing in the library stacks and happen to open a book to a page wherein the word God appears, I immediately return it to its place on the shelf. That is not to say that I believe God is worthless therefore theology has nothing valuable to teach us. Au contraire. Yes, I read a few books on the subject in university libraries. I even rued the day that Thomas Jefferson had Theology replaced with Ideology on the curriculum at his beloved university in Virginia, as well as the dismal day the United States government declined to fund degrees in theology. I had myself learned